Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  Charlie and Maple stopped by this morning.  After they left we got everything together and went to Big Pine to do the laundry and the grocery shopping.  Rewarded ourselves with pizza for lunch and headed back.  Took our pizza bones (crusts) back for Maple and Foxy.  Chatted with our Canadians for a while and headed back to our site to put everything away.  Relaxed outside reading for a while.  Then headed over to the point for a memorial get-together for two of our friends we lost last year—Joe and Dale.  85 again today.

Photos from last night's sunset sail aboard the America

Approaching a cruise ship just leaving Key West.

Schooner Western Union

Schooner Western Union in the setting sun.

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