Friday, December 25, 2015

Fri, Dec 25, Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  Pretty quiet the last few days. On Wednesday I went over and practiced with “the band”. After the alcohol break things went downhill. Actually, I think we started sounding better. Thursday we talked about going to Key West to see a movie, but we thought better of it since it’s Christmas Eve. Walked around the lake and ran into Craig, our former neighbor. He wants to play spades after the Christmas dinner today. Sounds good to us. We’re going down at 1:00 to help with the set-up. Then I have to come back and put together my corn casserole to take. Cocktails at 3:00 and dinner at 4:00. They’re cooking up 3 hams. Should be fun. Weather is iffy so far. Really windy AGAIN. Hopefully it’ll be better by dinner time. Merry Christmas!

Ho Ho Ho and a bottle of wine.

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