Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Tue, Feb 21, Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf, FL:  Our evening at the Little White House last night was spectacular, as usual.  Bobby and Carmen do a fantastic job. After the performance, back to Lazy Lakes and invited Larry over for one more glass of wine.  While imbibing, a truckload of other Lazy Lakers stopped to invite us over to their site.  They were all pretty inebriated, so I thought we don’t need to go there. Larry left and we went inside and off to bed.  A really nice evening.  Today we’re doing the grocery shopping and having a late lunch somewhere.  Looks like it’s clouding up out there right now.  But really warm.  Low 80s again today.

Bobby and Carmen in a salute to the USO last night at the Little White House. Again, he's playing Harry's piano that was in the living room of the Little White House, which is also where the performance was held.

Another spectacular sunrise this morning.

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