Saturday, March 18, 2017

Sat, Mar 18, Everglades National Park:  Decided to take care of some maintenance chores today. So, after lunch we filled up our two six-gallon jugs and brought them back to the fifth wheel to pump into the water tank. This fifth wheel has a setting for that, but it didn’t work well at all. So, Mike got out his transfer pump thingy he put together and tried that which worked for a while and then quit. He thinks maybe he needs a new pump. At any rate, after much angst, a cut on his head and a cut on his hand later, the water tank is full. Sat outside reading for a while after slathering myself up. A nice day today. Low 80s probably. Think I’ll go fix a cocktail.

Our two, six-gallon jugs we use to fill the water tank.

Then we change the settings on the control panel.

Then we insert one end of the hose into the jug and the other into the water input in the fifth wheel. Should pump the water in lickety split. Takes forever, which it shouldn't. Another thing that needs to be fixed.

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