Saturday, January 27, 2018

Sat, Jan 27, Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  Another really windy day today.  I walked the trash over to the dumpster and was really pushed around in the wind.  I had to take something back to CVS and that’s about the only time we were outside, other than the garbage run..  Our site is a mess—chairs overturned, plant blown off the table, mat trying to blow away, despite being anchored down.  On our way to CVS we saw an AWAX plane taking off from Boca Chica.  Can’t imagine what that was like in this wind.  Today I booked our next cruise.  This time to the Western Caribbean—including the Panama Canal.  11 days.  I have until July to change my mind.  Really warm today—78.  But way too windy.  

Schooner sailing past Ft. Zach.

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