Thursday, February 8, 2018

Thu, Feb 8, Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  Rained a little bit this morning but then the clouds cleared away to reveal a beautiful blue sky.  We walked over to Linda’s site at around noon to celebrate the completion of her deck and the raising of her flags.  She has a flag pole with the Conch Republic flag and the Stars and Stripes.  Champagne was served even.  Later in the afternoon I walked over to Char and Jerry’s to invite them over for a drink or two.  Not home.  Walked over to Carolyn and Dale’s, but they weren’t there either.  Guess a jokers game ensued after the flag raising.  We had left by then.  I was looking forward to the opening ceremonies of the Olympics tonight, but it’s not until tomorrow, even though there are some events tonight. Low 80s again today.  

Sunshine Key

Peli sunning himself.

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