Saturday, August 11, 2018

Sat, Aug 11:  Wagon Trail Campground, Rowley’s Bay, WI:  Sat around all morning reading our books trying to decide whether or not to drive into Fish Creek.  It’s the weekend, so it might be busier than usual.  I thought, well, we’ll go after lunch.  I was sitting at the picnic table enjoying my lunch when a little frog comes hopping into our site, with a snake in hot pursuit!  We were rooting for the frog, but the snake got him (sigh).  After that little drama we drove to Fish Creek, and sure enough, it was slammed.  Just kept on going.  Stopped on the way home to pick up some more fire wood.  We had a great fire last night.  A beautiful night with lots of stars.  83 again today.

I bought this photograph of Rt. 42 between Gills Rock and Northport.  The picture I took of it didn't come out very good because it glared off the glass in the frame.  But you get the idea.

This is the one I took a few years ago.  It is a neat stretch of road.

The beach at Fish Creek.

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