Monday, August 24, 2020

Mon, Aug 24, 2020:  Haven’t blogged in a while.  Blogger is changing their format.  I have to figure out the new format, which is geared to an Iphone.  Wish they wouldn’t do that.  I use my laptop much more than my phone.  I guess I can still use the “old” format for now.  Not sure how much longer I’ll continue this.  When we were in the Keys though, we subscribed to the Key West newspaper.  And one of the highlights of the paper was the daily journal entry of a resident of Key West.  This was back in the 1800s.  I think he was an attorney or something.  He would post his daily routine—what the weather was like, his daily walk, whether he bathed or not, etc.  We enjoyed it anyway. 

I bought a globe.  Always wanted one to be able to find a specific country mentioned in a book I may be reading.

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