Saturday, August 22, 2009

Mountain in the mist

Fri, 8/14/09

West Fork NF CG, Pagosa Springs, CO:
Rained all night last night. A nice, steady rain. Had the heat on again this morning while taking my shower. Washed my hair and luckily Mike had the generator running so I was able to blow it dry. We’re in a little, narrow valley and the escarpment above us was totally shrouded in low clouds. Mike started a fire and we sat outside enjoying that all morning. Felt pretty good. Before it started raining again we decided to go fill up the water jugs. Came back and sat inside and played Aggravation for a couple of hours. Mike finally won a game. Sprinkled off and on. I suggested we go transfer the water to the holding tank before it rained again. So, out we go and got it all set up and it started raining really hard. Go figure! Got the tanks filled and changed into some dry clothing and then back inside. I started a new book, “The Last Patriot” by Brad Thor. I just finished “Web of Evil” by J. A. Jance. Both pretty good. I had never read either authors, but we swapped some books with a couple we met in Monument Valley. Gave her some Dean Koontz. Mike is reading “Hole in the Rock”, an amazing read about Mormon early settlers. We plan on going into Pagosa Springs tonight to a movie—“Public Enemy”. They have a tiny little cinema on Main Street. Always fun to go to those old movie theaters.

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